Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Facts You Need to Know About Boarder Control

Okay... many people think that I am crazy, and that is true but we need to realize that there is more than just what meets the eye! There is more! You need to be able to trust specific people and not trust others! WHY? Because there are people out there that just believe everything they hear. And people who hear something and they look into it! That is what we need more of in the world! LETS DO THAT, DONT BE AFREAD TO LOOK DEEPER, ITS NOT BROWN NOISING, IT'S NOT LETTING THE GOVERNMENT AND OTHER PEOPLE TO WALK OVER YOU! I HAVE GIVEN YOU A LINK BELOW TO GO TO AND DOWNLOAD IT! DO IT, I DID AND YOU SHOULD TO! ">CLICK HERE

Friday, November 11, 2011

Shooting at occupy Oakland

Friday, November 4, 2011

TAPP Preview Video

This is a preview video of TAPP
Video used with permission of Mercury Radio Arts or Glenn Beck, Inc.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Andrew Phillips Program On YouTube

The Andrew Phillips Program will be posted on Youtube every Saturday and Sunday starting in September and we shall continue to do so, so subscribe to our channel because we are going to be on radio only if we have enough subscribers and views. Please listen to the program once or even twice if you need to we know you will believe the same things that we do and you will subscribe, thats a command!

-- Andrew Phillips
Thunderbird Radio Arts, LLC.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

TAPP Online Store

We have a store where you can go and buy T - Shirts, Mugs, Books, and much more from Zoe Worldwide Multimedia Group, LLC.

CLICK HERE to enter The Andrew Phillips Program store!!!!

If you need help with anything contact Andrew Phillips HERE.

Enjoy our online store! The money recieved from the store will go to local charities and will support our events!